Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Word Choice...

Today I was in a meeting, a long 5-hour business review with a supplier that had flown in from Boston. All great people, the product is really interesting, and there were some all around good questions asked relating to the future contract negotiations that will be taking place.

With that said, towards the end of the review, we were discussing SLA's and customer complaints. The one guy from the supplier was super nice, but used odd words to describe things. He was a bit wordy in his responses too. I don't think he was in sales, but sometimes he moved around the answer. Articulate words generally impress me. Some people really have a way with the spoken word, or can pull words out of their hat that are perfect in describing something that I would have used something so basic for.

Anyhow, I became very distracted after he used the word "autopsy" to describe additional research for customer complaints. "We'll have to do some additional autopsy work to identify the issues". Who the F--K uses that word to describe what most people would refer to as ANALYSIS. Additional ANALYSIS you nimrod!

I should have given him the business on the intimate knowledge of the word autopsy and all that word entails. But I didn't.

Thank goodness that was one of the last few statements in the meeting, because after that I was toast. My mind was jammed with thinking about Angela, waiting for the autopsy results, and then getting upset because as time has passed, I sometimes don't remember what it felt like to hold her. How I wish I had held her tighter, closer, and longer. That I would have traced my fingers around her face, hands and feet. She was so tiny, and I was so scared and shocked and on a lot of drugs, so the memories are a bit fuzzy.

My sister brought a pink blanket to the hospital that Angela was wrapped in from the hospital to the funeral home. That blanket was on our bed for months. I slept with it everynight. That and the bear they took pictures of her with. I still touch them frequently because I know that she touched them. They are such treasures. Especially the blanket because it is so pretty and soft and I know she was wrapped in love and comfort.

And now I am crying.

Good night.

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