Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year. New Blog

Hey Everyone! I decided that in 2008, I would start a new blog and close out my Baby Shafer blog. I won't delete my old blog. Nope. No way. Too special. I just don't have anything more to add to it. I recently added a picture that I made that has Angela's handprints and footprints. That will be the last post. When we are blessed with another pregnancy, I will create a new blog for a new baby, and still keep Angela's separate. Two babies. Two blogs. Two sets of memories.

I was thinking the other day how much 2007 sucked. And there were some seriously shitty moments. I mean, losing Angela was heartbreaking, earth shattering, and life changing...Not a day has gone by that I don't think of her. I still have my weak moments. My tearful moments. And night time is still the hardest.

But then I thought of all the good things. And wow, there were so many good ones too. I think of so much happiness when we were pregnant, finding out we were pregnant, all of the love and support after our loss and most of all, my favorite moment of 2007...when we found out Angela's amnio results came back "normal'. This was by far the day that stands out the most. This is the day when we celebrated our healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. Way more then the day we found out we were pregnant. But the day when we had so much at stake. The day we got the best news. The day we called every member of our immediate family to share the joy and emailed all of our friends and the overwhelming love and the joyous responses we received. So many people loved our baby before they even met her. This was the best day of 2007.

I would be lying if I didn't think that I will still have sad moments in 2008. But I am going to be optimistic in that this year will be fabulous! We have so much to be thankful for, and we are going to enjoy every minute of it. Hopefully...2008 will bring us more baby blessings.

In the meantime, this blog will be fun. I'm sure I'll post about Angela, or other baby loss thoughts...but I've got other topics too.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy year full of love, peace and joy!


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