Sunday, May 18, 2008


I haven't posted in a WHILE. I was in California for a week for work. That was fun, but the weather wasn't so fabulous.

Mostly, I've been working on some chores at home.

My biggest task has been to sort through the two GIANT buckets of pictures I have in my attic. The kind of bucket that over time has become so full of miscellaneous pictures. The first bucket was brought down on Tuesday by Dave. I spent a few hours Tuesday night starting to sort them into multiple shoe boxes (Family, Middle School, High School, College, Friends, Dave and I). That took me Tuesday & Thursday night. Today I sorted through family pictures. Separating the duplicates into piles for the Sherman's, Jolliffe's, my parents, and me. I have a lot of pictures. The sorting took almost three hours!!!!

Fortunately, since the era of digital pictures...I have less duplicates, and less pictures for that matter. All of my digitals are stored on discs. I give copies of the years pictures to our families for Christmas, and put a copy in our safety deposit box.

I'm not looking forward to sorting through the rest though. Even though they're already organized into boxes, it's tough to decide which pictures to keep and which to pitch. I guess it's easy when you don't remember the names of the people in the picture. This helped me immediately throw out a bunch from my College Business Fraternity. I guess that says how active I was.

Well, the goal is to thin my two BIG boxes into one. If I can accomplish that, that will be amazing. My life goal would be to just scan them all onto discs and throw the rest out. But first I need a scanner, and endless hours.

This weekend we also cleaned out the dressers in the spare bedroom that will soon become our nursery. This requires Dave and I to share a bedroom set in our main room, and then move "extra" clothes upstairs.

Do you have any idea how many clothes I have? I swear, I pack up bags for nieces and goodwill ALL THE TIME. I don't know where they came from. I can honestly say that over the last few years, indulging in shopping for new clothes is just not something I do anymore. Especially in the last year when I was pregnant, then not, then pregnant again. I haven't wanted to invest too much in new clothes, because of all the changes, and pending changes to my body. Make sense? I thought so.

So, that's what I've been up to. Dave and I have lists of stuff to do coming out of our ears. While it's fun stuff, and needs to get done, sometimes it can get kind of boring...and I wish I could snap my fingers and voila...done!

Have a great week! And maybe by my next post, I'll have finished my pictures! Or at least made a lot of progress....

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